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Sauteed Squash with Bacon

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Squash and Bacon Recipe

This is a super simple side dish that is everyone’s favorite, and only 3 ingredients!! And one of them is bacon! Sauteed Squash with Bacon.

Bacon goes so well with veggies doesn’t it lol.  That seems to be a theme at my house, take a super healthy veggie and throw some bacon on it lol.

This recipe is quick, it is easy and it is a great way to serve that squash you picked up at the farmer’s market.

The color of the squash is gorgeous and it cooks down nice and tender with the caramelized onions and at the end you top it with the crispy crumbled bacon for a perfect combo.

Sauteed Squash with Bacon

Sauteed Squash with Bacon


  • 6 Yellow Squash
  • Half Pound of Bacon
  • Yellow Onion


  1. Chop bacon.
  2. Fry in pan.
  3. Remove and drain bacon.
  4. Slice onion thinly.
  5. Fry in bacon grease until mostly caramelized.
  6. Slice squash and saute with onions until onions are caramelized completely and squash is tender.
  7. Serve!
  8. **Note** If there appears to be too much bacon grease left after cooking the onions, you can drain a little of it before adding squash.

Sauteed Squash and Bacon

Squash and Bacon1

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  1. first I just stared for a long time…wow….so awesome squash and bacon….OMG…I’m in heaven just looking at it.

    Can’t wait to try this…going to pin this and must try this. thanks for sharing.

  2. I’ve never combined zucchini and bacon,,, but hey it’s bacon. It must be delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipe with us on foodie friday.

  3. Yum! I love squash and bacon! This would be a great side dish! Thanks so much for linking up to All My Bloggy Friends last week – I hope you’ll join us again tomorrow. I look forward to seeing what you’ve been working on this week! :)

  4. This looks great! 2 of my favorite things, bacon and squash! Thanks for linking up to the Friday Follow Along, this is going to be featured this week so be sure to come visit!

  5. I made this before it’s super yummy I for get to eat my meat because this is so good lol thank you for the recipe

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