Collect Box Tops™ at Walmart!
Hey mamas!! It is back to school time! That means all sorts of things! Back to school supplies, drop offs, pick ups, homework! It is a lot to take in! Dean starts school next week for the first time and I am a nervous wreck! We headed to Walmart to finish up some last minute supply shopping and grab some lunch supplies. That is when I remembered that this is my first year that I can collect Box Tops! So of course I grabbed up all the Box Top participating products I could find! You can find Box Tops™ on all sorts of products at Walmart. Everything from Kleenex and Ziploc bags for classrooms to lunch supplies, after school snacks, breakfast and even dinner items! There are Box Tops™ on so many products it is easy to help your kid’s school!
Since this is my first year I had to learn a little and I found that each Box Top™ is worth $0.10 for Dean’s school. It is also one of America’s largest school earnings loyalty programs. It is easy for you to collect for your school as over 80,000 K-8 schools participate! What I really like is schools can use Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need from supplies to field trips! Box Tops™ for Education has contributed over $525 million to participating schools since it started in 1996! Now I am so glad I can start to help out Dean’s new school! It is so easy, you just shop for participating Box Top™ products (there are a ton!), clip the Box Tops and send them your school. That is all, it is just so and you get the satisfaction of helping your child’s school while buying products you normally buy anyways, it is a win-win!
I am so glad I get to help Dean’s school this year in such an easy way! Stay tuned for my next post on how to create an out of the box Box Top™ lunch your kids will love!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.